A years membership can be purchased below or at reception.
A rolling monthly direct debit but with no contract tie ins, can be purchased below or at reception.
A 10 session pass can be purchased on reception not via our website.
One day session, can be purchased on reception.
We do not allow under 16's in our facility and if you are under the age of 18 your membership must be made in your parent/guardian's name and then your name stated in the "known as" section. A further consent form MUST be filled by the parent/guardian before training at our facility.
All members are offered a free induction although not compulsory, contact the gym to book in for this.
Access to the gym - Once you've signed up you will need to download our app "YourApp+" to access the gym and for all updates about the club. Please ensure you have also filled out a health questionnaire which will be sent via email before training at the gym.
Cancellation of monthly DD - To cancel your membership either contact the gym with your details or contact Ashbourne Management direct by texting "HELP" to 60777. Cancelling your DD with your bank may